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The iGrow Laser Hair Rejuvenation System is an at-home treatment that stimulates the scalp in order to produce thicker hair. When you experience thinning hair, it is because the follicle has shrunken, and therefore the hair shafts being produced become smaller and thinner. If treated before the follicles lose the ability to produce hair altogether, rejuvenation through low-level laser therapy can be possible. Using LED lights in combination with cool, low-energy lasers, the iGrow stimulates hair follicles, improving their ability to produce healthier hair. The experienced dermatologists at Dermatology & Laser Surgery Center can discuss this advanced hair loss treatment technology during your consultation.

Benefits of the iGrow®

The iGrow is a virtually painless and convenient way for patients to regrow thicker, healthier hair as quickly as possible. Often used in combination with other therapies, such as hair transplants, shampoos, or topicals, the iGrow can be an excellent way to improve overall results. The hands-free, portable device makes it comfortable for the user to move freely and relax during therapy sessions. You can also listen to music during the treatment, using the attached headphones. Other benefits of the iGrow include:

Treatment and Results

Patients should use the iGrow for approximately 20-25 minutes at least three times every week. The iGrow uses a combination of LED and low-energy laser therapy to stimulate hair follicles for thicker hair production. The iGrow uses 51 light sources, and provides continuous coverage of the entire scalp for optimal results. Patients will typically notice fuller, healthier hair within approximately 16-24 weeks. Results can be maintained through continued use of the iGrow.